Organized with IFPEN for the students of the IFP School Class of 2019, the 11th edition of the Energy Transition Day took place on 18 October.
Didier Houssin took the floor to present the current energy context, the energy transition and the challenges to be taken up in the future. Then some workshops hosted by the IFPEN Business units allowed the students to grow aware of energy and environment issues that they will be facing during their career: sustainable mobility, fuels and chemistry originating from biomass, offshore wind energy, responsible exploration/production, capture/storage of CO2 and energy, more efficient refining and petrochemical processes.
The students were also able to exchange with a few stakeholders from the world of energy – Engie, Solvay, Valeo and the French Energy Ministry – during a round-table chaired by IFP School's Dean, Christine Travers.