Dr. Alexandre Strapasson from Harvard Kennedy School at IFP School

9 June 2022
Sidney Lambert-Lalitte and Dr Alexandre Strapasson

On June 2, the IFP School's Center for Energy Economics and Management had the honor of welcoming Dr Alexandre Strapasson, Research Fellow in Agriculture and Energy Policy at the Belfer Center of Harvard Kennedy School.

Dr. Strapasson gave a lecture to the students of the Energy and Markets and Energy Technology Economics and Management (ETEM) programs on the latest developments in the bioenergy sector, their impact on land and their potential role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Alexandre Strapasson has been a lecturer at the School since 2012. He is also a former student of IFP School's Petroleum Economics and Management (now ETEM) Master's program, which he joined as part of an exchange program with the University of São Paulo (Brazil) in 2000. The academic partnership with the Brazilian university is currently continuing for the ETEM program.