Palmes académiques

16 December 2024
Recipients of the Palmes académiques

Ten members of the IFP School community were awarded the rank of Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes académiques and a colleague was promoted to the rank of Officier (classes of January 1st and of July 14 2024):

  • Mathilde Adelinet, Lecturer and Researcher in Geophysics;
  • Gilles Azencott, Director of Studies and Apprenticeship;
  • Jean-Pierre Deflandre, ex Co-Holder of the CarMa Chair;
  • Éric Deville, Lecturer and Researcher;
  • Perla Duchesne, for her training contributions at the School;
  • Jean-Charles de Hemptinne, Supervisor of the “Catalysis and Processes” research-oriented Master's program and holder of the EleTher Chair;
  • Karine Labat, Supervisor of the Advanced-master degree - Mastère spécialisé "Geo Data Management for Energy Mix";
  • Philippe Pierre, Supervisor of the Energy and Powertrains program;
  • Cécile Pabian-Goyheneche, President of the IFP School Alumni Association (AAID) and IFP School graduate (GOL, class of 1982).
  • Maria Thirouard, Supervisor of the Powertrain Engineering program, and
  • Frédéric Lantz, Supervisor of the Master "Environmental, Energy and Transport Economics", who was promoted to the rank of Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes académiques

Our sincere congratulations to the recipients of 2024!