Maria Thirouard

Portrait de Maria Thirouard


Program Supervisor
Master in Powertrain Engineering

Maria Thirouard is in charge of the Master in Powertrain Engineering since September 2022. Maria was also tasked with maintaining and coordinating relations with French engineering schools with the support of IFP School's various centers and teachers between the end of 2018 and June 2024.

Maria joined the School in 2012 as a research-lecturer for the Powertrains and the sustainable mobility Center. She is in charge of the teaching units on “engine and powertrain tests” in the Energy and Powertrains and Powertrain Engineering programs, which she has enriched with optical cell tests and a virtual reality visit of engine test benches.

As a member of the Lab’Innov (IFP School's innovation and digital cultures’ laboratory), she also participates in the "Entrepreneurship and Innovation" module.

In 2014, she actively collaborated in the development of the first MOOC on sustainable mobility. She became its project manager the following year. In 2018, she added modules dedicated to tomorrow’s mobility and electrification and autonomous vehicle technologies.

Maria Thirouard began her career at IFP Energies nouvelles in 2006 as a research engineer for the Engine Technologies Department, where she focused on the optimization of combustion systems in the field of diesel.

She works on the development of high performance engines and is actively involved in the search for innovative solutions to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions at the source.

A mechanical engineer from the Simón Bolivar University (Venezuela), Maria Thirouard is a graduate of the IFP School Energy and Powertrains program (Class of 2005).