Management de l’énergie et du carbone dans l’entreprise
The program is delivered in French ➡ Get all information about the content (in French) here.
Advanced-master degrees - Mastère Spécialisé:
Hydrogen Project and Engineering
Geo Data Management for Energy Mix
Battery Engineering
Management de l'énergie et du carbone dans l'entreprise
The program is delivered in French ➡ Get all information about the content (in French) here.
*** This new program is currently undergoing labelling ***
You want to be part of the low carbon energy and transportation sectors?
The Hydrogen Project and Engineering program, delivered in English, offers a global perspective on the industry and business hydrogen sectors in France and abroad.
At the end of the cursus, the students will be able to:
As the energy transition accelerates, new data is coming in and data volume is exploding!
Our "Geo Data Management for Energy Mix" program is a unique graduate course that will teach you how to manage georesources and environmental data.
Interested in becoming a player in the digital revolution in energy transition? Ready to tackle the challenges of big data? Join us now and become an expert in geodata management!