For over 25 years, the two institutions have been working together to produce the Energy Flow Map, a true snapshot of the evolution of continental energy mixes and inter-regional energy flows.
This new edition, based on 2022 figures gathered by international reference institutions (Energy Intelligence, OPEC, IEA and U.S. EIA), bears witness to the profound changes in the energy sector that have taken place in the space of just a few years.
In particular, it shows the emergence of renewable energies, which now play a major role in energy production in Europe, Asia and North America.
The 2022 map also illustrates the drastic drop in oil and natural gas imports from Russia to Europe, a consequence of geopolitical tensions between the two regions.
Another major change is that of the United States, historically one of the world's leading importers of hydrocarbons, which has now become a net exporter of oil and gas.
9 November 2023