Ouafae El Ganaoui-Mourlan, Supervisor of IFP School's Electrification and Automotive Propulsion Master's program, took part in the first edition of the International Conference on Electrical Systems and Smart Technologies (ICESST 2024), held from December 11 to 13 in Dakhla (Morocco).
Her presentation, for which she was awarded a trophy, highlighted the work carried out as part of the ECAV Chair (Electric, Connected and Autonomous Vehicle for smart mobility) - operating in the fields of education and research and the dissemination of knowledge - of which she is co-holder with Antonio Sciarretta (IFPEN).
The presentation highlighted the importance of new training skills to meet the future challenges of electric, connected and autonomous vehicles (ECAV). Key topics included interdisciplinarity, the role of artificial intelligence and technological innovations such as energy management for intelligent microgrids with electric vehicles, and analysis of autonomous driving scenarios via V2I (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) architecture.
The aim of the conference, which brought together academic and industrial players, was to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and research results, as well as exchanges on the challenges and opportunities of renewable and sustainable energy. The scope of ICESST 2024 covers technologies for renewable energies, energy efficiency, power system infrastructures, IT, smart technology infrastructures and artificial intelligence.
Congratulations to Ouafae for flying the colors of the School!