
Dear alumni,

As the academic year draws to a close, we celebrated our class of 2023 graduates on June 15 with a cocktail cruise on the Seine, in the presence of their families, friends and the School’s staff.

June also marked the end of the recruitment period for the class of 2025, which will join our campus in September. We were delighted to see a very significant rise in the number of applications, particularly from students at French schools, a clear sign of IFP School's attractiveness and of young people's interest in pursuing a career in the fields we address. We expect to welcome almost the same number of students as this year. September will also see the opening of the brand-new Advanced-master - Mastère spécialisé program "Hydrogen Project and Engineering" we announced in the previous issue of the newsletter.

In this summer issue, we introduce you to Vanessa Chávez Bracho, a graduate of the Processes & Polymers program (POLY, class of 2014). Vanessa has returned to IFP School to take charge of the POLY program, and it's always a great pleasure to welcome our alumni to the faculty and to see their attachment to our School.

Our commitment to training talented young engineers, by giving them the keys to building a low-carbon world, continues with the prospect of launching a fourth Advanced-master – Mastère spécialisé program by September 2025, subject to Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) labeling. It will focus on batteries. I invite you to read the special report devoted to the challenges of battery production for the automotive industry, complemented by an interview with Claude Núñez, Director of the Powertrains and Sustainable Mobility Center.

Last but not least, we're opening a new series in the newsletter to look at teaching innovations implemented at the School. A series proposed by Lab e-nov™ colleagues with a first illustration carried by Carla Castillo and João Silveira.

I hope you have a wonderful summer and enjoy reading this issue.

Kind regards,

Pascal Longuemare, PhD
IFP School