
Dear alumni,

I hope you all had a wonderful summer. I am delighted to get back in touch with you this month to share some news about the new academic year at your School.

On September 2nd, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Class of 2025 to IFP School. Our new students are divided into nine specialized engineering programs and two Advanced- Master degree programs - Mastère Spécialisé.

Their orientation week was held in a spirit of friendship and exchange, filled with various events. The ice was broken on the first day with breakfast together, followed later in the week by the traditional treasure hunt organised in collaboration with the Rueil-Malmaison tourist office, offering our new arrivals a fun and cultural way to discover the town. The majestic setting of the Château de Vert-Mont hosted an afternoon of team-building challenges, while a temporary "stand village" on the school campus introduced them to the associations and services available to them. This week marked a great start to the new academic year!

As you know, your School continues to evolve, adapting its program content to meet the needs of the job market, societal expectations, and the climate crisis. It is also launching new degree programs focusing on the jobs of tomorrow, responding to the targets of a low-carbon world.

Here are some of the new developments this year:

  • We have temporarily put the Powertrain Engineering program on hold to fully reorient it towards electric powertrains by September 2025.
  • New programs in powertrains, economics, and geo-resources are currently undergoing accreditation for rollout in September 2025. I will share more details in the next newsletter.
  • Finally, we are pleased to welcome the first intake of the Advanced-Master degree - Mastère Spécialisé on Hydrogen Project and Engineering. Fourteen students from eleven different nationalities have joined this innovative program, all sharing a passion for hydrogen. You will learn more about their journey in this month’s feature article.

On the teaching front, we continue to innovate. Jérémy Demolliens, Head of the Immersive Realities hub at Lab e·novTM, will share insights about the “by the students, for the students” approach, an initiative that has already borne fruit and is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the student experience.

Lastly, we are delighted to welcome a new colleague to the team: Mohamad Abdallah, who joins the Processes for Energy and Chemicals Center after contributing to R&I work at IFPEN. You can read his profile in this issue.

I hope you enjoy reading this new edition.

Best regards,

Pascal Longuemare
IFP School