Dear Alumni,
I hope you had a great summer.
At the School, the academic year has started well; on September 1st we welcomed a great Class of 252 students in Engineering programs, 49% of them are international students from 41 different countries, 28% are young women, and 90% of students are financed by the industry (a record!) of which 65% are doing apprenticeships.
For the first time in two years, the new school year started without any sanitary constraints, and I'll let you discover the different integration activities offered to students by the School, some of them with the support of the city of Rueil-Malmaison. Judging by their happy faces, they were very much appreciated!
The excellence of the School is due above all to the quality of its staff. I will let you discover the new Program Supervisors of the Powertrains and Sustainable Mobility center, and through them, the position of Program Supervisor, which is, in my opinion, one of the "richest" positions at the School, as it has multiple facets: contacts with students, industrialists, academic partners, and for many of them, teaching and pedagogical Engineering activities.
Enjoy reading!
Christine Travers
IFP School
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