Dear alumni,
I hope you and your loved ones remain in good health.
Three months into 2021, and with them the hope that the health situation will improve and that we will return to a "normally" functioning School.
There is no gainsaying that we are not there yet. Even if we have been able to welcome about a hundred students to the School every day since mid-February, we will have to keep adapting our courses, projects and field placements, at least until the summer holidays.
But never mind, let's look at it as an opportunity to modernize, to work differently and to introduce our students to greater flexibility and new ways of working. There is no doubt that, even after the health crisis is behind us, many of these new approaches will endure.
In this issue, you will discover how the PSM (Professional Skills Module), whose objective is to "mix" the programs in order to introduce students to the world of business and work in a multicultural environment, could be carried out at a distance. It was thanks to the remarkable efforts of teachers and students that this goal, which was not obvious at the outset, was fully met.
You will be surprised, just as I was, to discover our students’ potential for innovation.
Arnaud, a teacher at the Georesources and Energy Center, will also take you virtually into the "field". I'll let you discover with him the beauty of the Vercors outcrops.
In the previous issue, I shared with you our concerns about placements for the class of 2020. To date, 65% of the students in this class have found a job. Our thanks go to those of you who have sent us offers and/or hired our students. However, this placement rate is still too low for a school like ours. We are always on the lookout for new offers.
Continue to take good care of yourselves.
Enjoy your reading,
Christine TRAVERS
IFP School
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