Since its inception, IFP School has continuously striven to forge strong links with the economic and industrial world. Today, the School is proud to work hand in hand with nearly 180 French and international companies, on various projects.
These links, built around a common vision of excellence and innovation in the field of Energy, enhance IFP School’s teaching programs and research projects. An illustration of these partnerships, for example, is the sponsoring of the School's Graduation Ceremony, or the granting of a sponsorship to one or more brilliant students attending the School.
Below is an overview of the wide range of different partnerships we have at IFP School.
Enhancing our pedagogical approach
IFP School is a French leader in the Energy and Powertrains sectors and stands out for its hands-on approach and "learning by doing" teaching methodology. To design its unique and applied training programs, the School maintains close ties with the industry, thereby enabling it to constantly innovate, develop and renew what it teaches, and how it teaches it.
Each year, the School invites over 400 influential guest speakers, from major companies in various sectors, to give lectures or lead hands-on workshops. By sharing their industrial experiences with students, they provide valuable additional educational content to the courses.
Firms equally help enrich the curriculum by allowing students to visit their industrial sites or by providing the School with actual industrial data for students to work on. The data is used to establish case studies and/or industrial projects, for example.
When working on real-life cases, students are confronted with the realities of the industrial sector. In return, companies discover the students’ issues and questions, and learn more about their potential future employees.
Some firms go a step further and set student challenges or participate in educational modules as professional coaches and/or members of a jury.
Finally, within the framework of the "GOP - Groupes d’orientation et de prospective" (Orientation and Prospective Groups), partner companies have also the opportunity to actively contribute to ensuring the content of the School's various curricula evolve.
Recruiting our young talents
IFP School prepares talented young people for the jobs of tomorrow, ensuring they will be immediately operational and ready to take on the challenges of the ecological transition with a creative and innovative approach.
Moreover, firms in the Energy and Powertrains sectors can equally play an active role in shaping the talents they need by investing in their future employees through sponsorship or apprenticeship programs.
IFP School's Partner Companies Event, which is organized each year in March, is a unique opportunity for our industrial partners to access this pool of excellence, to arouse students’ curiosity, to present their employment needs and jobs offers and finally to promote their firm’s brand.

"This day is a key event for our students as it enables them to prepare their transition from the School to the workplace and learn more about the career opportunities offered by our partners," explains Ghislaine Fillion, in charge of Marketing at IFP School.
In mid-June, IFP School’s Graduation Ceremony is yet another opportunity to establish an exclusive partnership and develop visibility among our young graduates.
Furthermore, depending on each firm’s recruiting needs, our Career Center team can assist them in their recruitment strategy. They can post their work-study program details, as well as their internships and/or job offers, on our secure and dedicated platform set up with Jobteaser.
Supporting IFP School’s development
By paying their balance of the apprenticeship tax to IFP School, our industrial partners contribute to the School's efforts to achieve excellence, innovation and development. Their financial support helps us build the future of the School and enables us to:
- continue attracting and training the best profiles;
- ensure that the quality of our teaching remains first-class and that course contents are constantly adapted to meet changing demands;
- implement innovative educational projects and,
- build a modern and digitally connected campus.
The School equally invites partner companies to work together on topical issues and set up scientific and technical collaboration projects. Firms can participate in the research of innovative products and practices in emerging sectors by financing a teaching and research chair. They thus benefit from the effervescence of our campus and its connections with the exceptional expertise and scientific research facilities of IFP Energies nouvelles.
Since 2014, IFP School has partnered with a number of companies and foundations to create and distribute MOOCs. Partners can call upon our digital culture laboratory, the LAB e·Nov™, to help them design innovative educational modules such as online courses, videos or immersive reality experiences.
To join our community of partners or get more information, check out our Corporate brochure (soon available in English) and/or contact us!