
Dear alumni,

Another year is coming to an end in a generally gloomy backdrop, but with more good news for our School. We have been awarded the "HappyAtSchool®" label for the second year in a row, with 90% of our students recommending the School. We are looking forward to the ranking and hope we will once again be on the podium!

We have also been awarded the "4Digital" label, which recognizes the School's mastery of digital technology for teaching and distance learning and which will allow us to introduce more distance learning into some of our programs.

Finally, we are working hard to obtain the DDRS (Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility) label for 2023.
It should be noted that more and more candidates are keeping a close watch on these labels before committing to a course and that our greatest challenge remains the attractiveness of the School.

The latter also involves the conviction that we are in the best position to cover the energy transition, thanks to our skills in our traditional fields.

This energy transition is well and truly in place in the existing programs and in the topics covered by the chairs, and it will materialize in the coming months through new dedicated training programs that I will let you discover.

38% of our graduates in 2022 were placed in the new energy technologies sector, proof, if any were needed, that our programs correspond to the expectations of our industrial partners in terms of skills to support them in their own transition.

We have also decided to make our campus an exemplary one in terms of its carbon footprint. This will certainly take time, but we have already conducted an eco-gesture campaign, banned plastic bottles from the School, and are working on setting targets to reduce the carbon footprint of our speakers and our students' study trips.

All of this sounds like good resolutions for the New Year!

We also wanted to share with you the fundraising drive that has been going on for ten years now and for which a new call for donations has just been launched. I will let you discover the impact of your gifts: the financing of the Excellence Scholarships but also the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment to continue on the path of educational innovation.

I wish you and your loved ones, happy holidays and a happy New Year, all the best for 2023.

Dr Christine TRAVERS
IFP School